Under The Hood

This journal is a place to see how things are made and where they come from. It's for sharing musings that span projects; unpacking the problems our new machines solve; and celebrating freshly-minted installations. Dive in for offbeat ideas, behind-the-scenes stories, and updates from the studio.

Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

Rhino3Dzine Features CAD-Driven Innovation in Mangrove

Rhino and Grasshopper enabled precision and automation in Mangrove, our record-breaking glass installation featured in Rhino3Dzine. This project pushed the limits of large-scale glass fabrication while balancing digital accuracy with our sculpting methodology.

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Press Nikolas Weinstein Press Nikolas Weinstein

Lecture at Arup: A Collaborative Partner

Lecturing at Arup after the completion of the worlds largest glass sculpture, Solaire, was a reflection on the power of collaboration. Nikolas Weinstein discussed the development of flexible glass textiles and how this innovative approach allows him to build large scale artworks in glass that transform architectural spaces.

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Press Nikolas Weinstein Press Nikolas Weinstein

STIM Talk at Ennead Architects

Presenting at Ennead Architects offered Nikolas an opportunity to step out of the studio and see his work from a new perspective. Discussing the development of flexible glass textiles and their impact on a recent large-scale installation in Manila helped him reflect on how this innovative approach continues to transform architectural spaces.

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Press Nikolas Weinstein Press Nikolas Weinstein

State of the Art

Small Firms, Great Projects, a publication by the American Institute of Architects in San Francisco has featured our work in their 19th Edition, released in September 2024 in the State of the Art section.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

A New Take On Nikolas Weinstein

Hello, Emily here. I thought seeing this recent sculpture from an outsider’s perspective might be a nice way to present this new piece from Nikolas. So I spoke with HL Lim, a founder of LTW Design Works in Asia about his partnership with Nikolas on the Shangri-La Hotel Midtown in Hangzhou.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

Jakarta is "Live"

Just before Christmas, we completed our largest and most complex installation to date. We are now emerging from our new year's slothdom to announce that the Noble House Sculpture is airborne!

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Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

Nikolas Weinstein Studios Rock The G20

Question: What do Nikolas Weinstein Studios, President Enrique Pena Nieto, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Vladimir Putin, and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim have in common?

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Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

A Frenchman Asks The Big Questions

Imagine our delight when we were contacted by Manuel Fadat, a French curator, researcher, critic and teacher who "geeks out" on technology as much as we do. He works for Oudeis, a laboratory dedicated to the digital, electronic and media arts. Manuel has included Nikolas in a series of interviews he’s done about the links between glass and digital technologies seen through a variety of lenses.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

Louis XIV Comes to the Studio

Glass conducts light more efficiently than any other material. This efficiency is why glass holds so much dynamic potential for sculpture; by constantly changing the sculpture with the passage of natural light throughout the day.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

Weinstein and Warwick Take It On The Road

Every summer the Glass Art Society [GAS] holds their annual conference in a different US city. This year the theme for the conference was "Glass, Art, and Technology." This was a great fit for us and we were pleased they invited Nikolas to speak. His lecture was titled, “Engineering Art.”

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Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

Signed, Sealed, & Delivered

Nikolas posted about this project in Hong Kong when it was being installed back in February. Now that we've got final photography I wanted to pop in quickly and share these images of the Artwork we did for Swire Properties' Arezzo residential tower.

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Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

Back In Play

Process images from our Hong Kong installation for Swire Properties’ latest residential project.

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Nikolas Weinstein Nikolas Weinstein

What’s Afoot at NWS

Hi, this is Emily. Since we haven't posted in a while and I actually have some pretty cool things to share, I'm commandeering the blog today. I’m excited to tell you about two recent events that put us in the public spotlight: An article featuring Nikolas in the Art and Design issue of 7×7, and an award for one our recently completed projects.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

Uncle Sam Drops In to Say "Hi"

Shortly before quitting time on Monday, the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade from the United States Commerce Department dropped by to present us with an award for export achievement.

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The Printer's Son The Printer's Son

Grasshopper Geekery

Most of us here at the studio are, to one degree or another, geeks. We're constantly swapping youtube videos of interesting machines, we huddle eagerly around any new tool that comes into the studio, we throw around jargon like "oval sleeve" and "durometer" and "bullnose" and "inclinometer" with wild abandon, and we love McMaster-Carr almost more than life itself. And we use CAD. A lot. And more and more as we find (and invent) new uses for it.

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